Monday, November 14, 2016

Closing A Deal: How to deal with Common Hurdles

You have spent weeks dotting every "I" and crossing every "T". You have handled every curve ball your lender has thrown at you and dealt with issues you would have never expected. You struggled getting on the same page as the seller but now you are finally ready to close. Just when you think your work...

5 Tips to help develop a winning business plan

Every good real estate investing career starts with a plan. choosing to dive right into the business and take things as they come is often a recipe for disaster. Without a plan you will take risks that often don't match your personality. Eventually these decisions will come back to haunt you. Conversely with a solid

Understanding the financial side of real estate

Running a business means staying on top of every aspect of it. Not only do you need to be the lead negotiator and head marketer but you are also in charge of the finances. Whether you like it or not the finances can make or break your business. Its not enough to simply close....